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Friday 12 May 2017


Netflix 5 Tips And Tricks 1. Multiple profiles, 2.Viewing history,3. Netflix roulette,4. Netflix categories,5. Netflixbestof ( reddit)



Multiple profiles it's always good idea to create multiple profiles on your Netflix account if you live with multiple people you don't want them to impact your future recommendation also having multiple profiles allows for the separating of the programming you to you are allowed up to five profiles so here's how you do it hover over your username in the upper right hand corner select manage profile then select add profile put in the name of your new profile so well just name a your new profile when you are hit continue you want to change you want to change the avatar over the new profile selected the edit icon over the avatar and then select your new avatar then and then select done now you have added a new profile to your Netflix account.


Viewing history would also recommend removing shows from your viewing history they also don't influence recommendations on your homepage of Netflix once again hover over your profile select your account to select viewing activity than the x to the far right of each show or movie to remove them from your viewing history.


Netflix roulette the one featured in it can be difficult to find a show to watch on Netflix so Netflix roulette pick for you on Netflix roulette don't just select your criteria from the options to show your movie.


Netflix categorises extension for chrome many of you are familiar with using Netflix codes to search less visible Netflix categories you don't have to use codes anymore now there's a handy google chrome extension called Netflix categories which will search the categories for you with no codes a direct to the extension is in the once installed on the extension icon your favorite categories will appear at the top by selecting the heart to the far right of each category select all categories then select whichever category shows from the category are on Netflix.


Netflix best of here's a cool subreddit to it's called Netflix best of and it's a good place to find out about shows or movies on Netflix you can choose from different categories here from hot new rising controversial also you can discuss programs there are entries.

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