1. Apples Keep Heart Disease At Bay
Pectin, a soluble fiber present in apples helps in absorbing cholesterol and thus reduces the chances of your arteries getting blocked. The fruit is also charged with antioxidants which serve the same purpose of fighting bad cholesterol.
2. Prevents Cancer
The antioxidants and inflammatory benefit of apples can help prevent different types of cancer such as lung cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. Numerous studies have also show apple is one of the exceptional fruit is so closely associated with a reduction of cancer, especially lung cancer.
3. Bone Protection
The high content of potassium in apple prevents loss of calcium in the blood which in turn help prevent loss of calcium in the bones. Daily eating/drinking an apple helps preserve bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
4. For Healthy Gums And Teeth
Eating apple activates saliva. which kills up the 80% of the bacteria in your mouth, preventing tooth decay and keeping them white. Vitamin c helps with bleeding gums.
5. Combating Fatigue
The high vitamin c and antioxidant content in apples counter the free radicals leading to oxidative stress, which has been linked to fatigue.
6. Constipation
Drinking apple juice mixed with carrot juice is a sure way to ease constipation. If badly constipated, keep drinking combination until bowel moves, and it will.
7. Apples Can Help Improve Memory
Eating an apple every day can prevent the decline of a neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine thus improving your memory. A study also found the property of an apple, can slow the mental decline found in people with Alzheimer's.
8. Preventing Asthma Attacks
Asthma sufferers often have low levels of antioxidants. Apple is high in the vitamin c and flavonoids ( beneficial, water-soluble plant pigments). Both are helped protect against exercise-induced asthma.
9. Controls Diabetes
Apples contain powerful antioxidants. It also contains soluble fiber help in slowing down the digestion of food and lessens the absorption of glucose into the blood stream, which is good for diabetic patients. Hence, apples are good snacking food for diabetic patients.
10. Digestive Health
One of the most essential and overlooked parts of human health is the beneficial bacteria living throughout our body. Apples specifically help improve the functioning of the bacteria living inside of our large intestine, and early studies show apples change the metabolism within the digestive tract, and change the balance of bacteria, which leads to improved health by maximizing nutrient uptake and eliminating harmful bacteria and toxins.
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